Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Vigil 0f Christmas

Christmas eve - the vigil of Christmas - and we celebrated beautifully here at St. Mary's (go to the other Susan, CSJP for stories and photos). I remembered a poem I wrote on this night many years ago, and while it doesn't quite fit our current weather (snow moving into slush), it does, I hope, fit the mystery and splendor of this night.

Vigil of Christmas

Thick clouds and rain.

When I come out of your house in the valley
the edges of the hills around are golden
a town of golden houses above us.
As we stand in the rain in the dark
three gulls beat into the sunlight, their wings
flashing white and gold,

a message from whom we cannot imagine,
a letter from a lover almost forgotten,
the whole earth glowing.


  1. Beautiful poem, Susan.

    Blessings on your journey Saturday. See you in the blogosphere! (And in March in person).

    The Other Susan

  2. Thanks, Susan, and happy Oregon journey to you!

    Susan D.
