Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A city of many churches

It's pretty astonishing to find that there are three Catholic churches within three blocks of the house I'm staying in, and that all of them offer a daily Mass (or two or three). I've been taking advantage of this wealth of wonderful possibilities and it's even more astonishing to report that all three of these churches have a good number of people present at their daily masses, and are crammed on Sundays.

These three churches are only a few of the many - dozens? - in Antigua, some historic ruins, of course, but many offering Masses, sponsoring processions, and carrying on a passionate life of faith. It's been a joy to discover that I'm having no difficulty in following the homilies, though this can be, as you might imagine, a mixed joy. I've heard one excellent homilist, Fr. Carlos of Escuela de Cristo, but, alas, both of his daily masses are said at times when I have to be at school or at a meal.

But whether the homilies are joyful or lackluster, it is a joy to be present at Mass with this community of believers.

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