Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sandra and her teachers

Last week, Rosy Melara and Darren and I met Sandra's new teacher (more on Sandra's story here) -
her name is Sonia Melara (though she's no relation to Rosy - there's a fairly small set of common last names in El Salvador that crop up everywhere).  Sonia (who's on the left in the photo above, standing next to Sandra) will be accompanying Sandra to school four mornings a week.  Sandra has therapy in FUNTER, a rehabilitation non-profit, on the fifth morning.

Sandra's lucky - Sonia graduated from the Universidad Francisco Gavida with a "Profesora" certificate in early childhood education in 2008, but has not been able to find a full-time teaching job - it can be dismally difficult here for new, well-credentialed teachers to find a post.  We are more than happy to give Sonia at least a good part-time position, and to give Sandra the opportunity to learn that she deserves.  School starts at the end of January, which is the end of summer vacation.

Here's to Sandra and Sonia enjoying their new partnership!

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